Business Call
전화상 곤란한 일, 대신 받아들이거나 대신 걸어드립니다.
We can receive or make troublesome phone calls on your behalf.
We can receive or make troublesome phone calls on your behalf.
업무 관련 전화 (설득 대행)
민원 상담
진상 고객 항의 통화
가격인하 협상(부동산/납품가/계약/거래/기타 거래상품)
제품 평가
계약 파기 및 면피
사과 및 약속
Business-related matters (for persuasion)
Public service
Responding to angry customer complaining via phone
Negotiations for price cutting (real estate / delivery prices / contracts / deals / other trade goods)
Product evaluations
Contract termination
Immunity from liability
✓ 대출, 재직확인 대행은 진행하지 않습니다.
✓ We are unable to carry out services related to loans and verification of your employment.